The name content management system feels a bit silly to us. In most cases, a CMS is a bit more than a glorified database interface — actual management often happens in document editors and spreadsheets. After the management part, it's time to tediously copy-paste or beg your developers for a bit of their precious time. And we have yet to meet a developer who thinks writing migration scripts or imports is the best use of their time.

To address this, we've decided to build ScaleCM. The idea is simple, ScaleCM connects directly to your CMS. We provide you with an interface optimized for your day-to-day workflows and for those only-sometimes-but-often-enough efforts for which you would otherwise need a developer. What ends up happening is a win-win-win scenario. You and your team are happier because the tedious parts are more efficient and over more quickly, developers are joyful because they can focus on more stimulating tasks, your boss is pleased because developer time is expensive, and work is complete even faster than before.

The cherry on top is that it's super easy to get started with ScaleCM — because of the way we integrate with the CMS there is literally no change to any of the systems already in place. Your data still ends up in your CMS where it belongs (in fact, your data never touches our servers), and every editor inherits the roles they already have within the CMS, so they can just log in and start editing away.

We are confident that what's possible with ScaleCM today will save you time and money, but we're not stopping here. We will continue to add more and more goodies that abstract away laborious tasks. We are launching with support for Contentful (kudos to them for making all of this possible thanks to their open-source efforts), but are working hard to add support for additional CMSs in the coming months.

Thank you for taking part in our journey.