Getting started

Welcome to the ScaleCM app documentation.


The ScaleCM app aims to solve two problems:

  1. Sometimes you need to do manual changes to a lot of entries and opening them one by one, waiting for everything to load just to make that edit, save, close, and repeat is just too slow.
  2. When you need to make edits to hundreds or even thousands of entries at once, you can't do it without a developer. Even if you are a developer, it's not a fun problem to be solving.

Solving problem #1 - Quickly editing your entries

To solve the problem of quick manual edits we took inspiration from an interface built for quick data editing: a spreadsheet.

ScaleCM spreadsheet interface
Editing entry field

With this completely new time-saving interface you will wonder how you ever did things the old way, it's just much quicker.

It comes with support for multi-locale editing, of course. Your edits are automatically saved and you can publish them with two clicks.

You can of course publish multiple entries at once, which brings us to the solution for a second problem...

Solving problem #2 - Run edits and migrations on hundreds or even thousands of entries

Have you ever needed to run a search and replace on your content? Or unpublish many entries at once? Or migrate data between fields? All of this, and more, is possible with ScaleCM.

In the spreadsheet interface you can select one, many, or all entries matching the current filters. You can then define changes you want to make on all of them in a visual interface - no coding knowledge needed.

Choose a bulk-edit operation on multiple entries

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ScaleCM is completely free to try for 14 days. Try ScaleCM.